ACSEP & WLS: Best Talented Team 2021
Business Skills ‘Setting up a Practice’ Online Module
AIS & WLS: Best Talented Team 2021
The Female Health Performance and Health Initiative (FPHI)

ACSEP & WLS: Best Online Learning Model 2021
Strength and Conditioning for Rehabilitation
AIS & WLS: Best Free eLearning Design 2021
The Female Health Performance and Health Initiative (FPHI)
Check out our list of over 200 SEM modules that we’ve developed for our clients…
- Athlete Self-Care
- Athlete Well-Being and Engagement
- High Performance Sport in Australia
- Money Matters
- Sporting Balance
- What it Means to be an Elite Athlete
- Biomechanics of the Elbow; Elbow Pathomechanics; Biomechanical Loads
- Running Gait; Patellofemoral Joint Stress; Patellofemoral Joint Rehabilitation
- Body Segment Sequencing & Timing; Anatomy & Biomechanics of the Shoulder; Compressive Loads Created by Muscle
- Anti-Doping Processes & Results Management
- General Medical Care of the Athlete
- Medical Care of a Large Sporting Events
- RED-S (Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport)
- Sport-Related Concussion
- Team Travel
- The Tired Athlete
- Helping Registrars Experiencing Difficulty
- Introduction for Clinical Training Supervisors
- Teaching in the Clinical Setting
- Work-place Based Assessments & Giving Feedback
- Basic ECG Interpretation in Athletes
- Normal ECG Findings in Athletes
- ECG Abnormalities in Cardiomyopathy
- ECG Abnormalities in Primary Electrical Disease
- ECG Interpretation in Challenges and Pitfalls
- Advanced ECG Interpretation in Athletes
- Building a Support Team
- Busy Day Syndrome
- Communication
- Fundamental Movement Capability
- Injury & Illness in Optimising Athletic Performance
- Injury Prevention
- Learning to Learn
- Load Management
- Recovery Nutrition
- Altitude Medicine
- Cold Injury and Illness
- Heat Illness
- Underwater Medicine
- Exercise Prescription
- The Management & Prevention of Sarcopaenia, Osteopaenia & Falls
- Research Basis of the Utilisation of Exercise Therapy in Cancer Management & Prevention
- Examination of the Ankle
- Examination of the Elbow, Wrist and Hand
- Examination of the Foot & Biomechanics of the Foot and Ankle
- Examination of the Hip, Groin & Buttock
- Examination of the Knee
- Examination of the Pelvis & Low Back
- Examination of the Shoulder
- Examination Assessment Methods
- Entrance Examination & Selection
- Fellowship Written & Clinical Examination
- Conduct of the Clinical Examination
- Body Image in Female Athletes
- Bone Health
- Breast Health
- Coaching Considerations for Female Athletes
- Considerations for Medical Practitioners Managing Female Athletes
- Contraception for Female Athletes
- Low Energy Availability
- Menstrual Abnormalities 1 - Problems Related to Irregular or Absent Cycles
- Menstrual Abnormalities 2 - Problems Related to Pain and Bleeding
- Myths - Fact or Fiction?
- Normal Menstrual Cycle
- Nutrition for Female Athletes
- Pelvic Health
- Puberty & Development
- Aboriginal Health & Cultural Safety
- Business Skills; Setting up a Practice
- Ethical Practice in SEM: What Ought One To Do?
- Ethical Practice in SEM: Purpose, Values and Principles
- Ethical Practice in SEM: Good Decision Making
- Telehealth Services
- Telehealth Services - COVID Update
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): Blood Composition
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): Considerations When Choosing to Use PRP
- Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP): PRP Process
- Bone and the Sport & Exercise Physician
- Diabetic Diseases: Endocrinology
- ENT - Ear, Nose, Throat, Facial Trauma & Dental Trauma
- Gastroenterology
- Haematology
- Immunology & Infectious Disease
- Mental Health in Athletes
- Mental Health in Doctors
- Neurology: Nerve Entrapments, Epilepsy & Headache
- 'Protection' Neurobiology - A Key Piece of the Pain Puzzle
- Renal, Electrolytes & Hyponatraemia
- Respiratory Medicine
- Rheumatology 1 - Viral Arthritis; Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis; Rheumatoid Arthritis and SLE
- Rheumatology 2 - Osteoarthritis; Crystal Arthropathies; Septic & Psoriatic Arthritis; Ankylosing Spondylitis
- Sports Cardiology
- Sports Dermatology
- Sudden Cardiac Deaths in Athletes
- SIJ: What is SIJ; Pain Presentations; SIJ Anatomy; Load Transfer
- SIJ: Clinical Assessment; Clinical Tests; Imaging
- SIJ: Management Strategies; Injection Therapies; Studies; Complications
- Nutritional Assessment
- Energy
- Carbohydrate
- Fat
- Protein
- Hydration
- Micronutrients
- Body Composition
- Supplements
- Special Diets
- Practical Applications of Sports Nutrition
- Nutrition for Health
- Athlete Categorisation
- Athlete Monitoring
- High Performance Finance
- Individual Athlete Performance Plans
- Leading a Network
- Non-selection Communication
- Performance Pathway Strategy
- System Monitoring
- System On-Boarding
- Talent Development Environments
- Talent Identification
- What It Takes To Win (WITTW)
- Health and Performance
- Health Surveillance
- Injury and Illness Prevention in Sport
- Understanding Causation in Sports Medicine and Sports Science
- Ethics in Research
- Epidemiology
- Biostatistics, Meta Analysis & Systematic Reviews
- Evidence Based Medicine
- Qualitative & Mixed Methodologies
- Equipment in Para-Sport
- Exercise & Pregnancy
- Exercise & The Older Athlete
- Growth, Maturation & Sports Performance
- Sports Injuries in Children
- The Para-Athlete
- Introduction to Sports Pharmacology
- Common Medications Used in Sports Medicine
- Doping in Sport
- The Management of Mental Health; Eating Disorders; Exercise Psychology
- Psychological Recovery & Sleep; Overtraining & Burnout; Athlete Retirement & Career Transition
- Goal Setting; Regulating Stress, Anxiety & Arousal; Self Talk & Building Confidence; Motivation & Team Dynamics
- Cycling
- Dance
- Golf
- Gymnastics
- Olympic Weightlifting & Powerlifting
- Rock Climbing
- Rowing
- Swimming
- Strength & Conditioning for Rehabilitation